Mental Health Week

This week the charity ‘Place to Be’ have celebrated children’s mental health week to raise awareness in the local community. This morning Y6 discussed the impact of poor mental health and how a small positive comment to someone can make a world of difference. In crew, all the children wrote a postcard to someone else in the class with a positive affirmation to put a smile on someone’s face.

We have a winner!

Congratulations to Jack from 3LG who won the Valentine Treat Box put together by Mrs Winkley as part our fundraising towards the Bear for Leeds Children’s Hospital. Thank you to everyone who took part in this worthy cause. We raised £312 at the NJS! Wow!

Children’s Mental Health Week

To promote Children’s Mental Health Week all crews in Year 3 played a couple of games of ’Let’s Connect Bingo’. It was lovely to see children connecting with each other, finding others with shared interests, building new friendships and most importantly having fun! And yes – Mrs Gill loves pepperoni pizza!

A Tea Party at NJS!

Not literally, of course. However, today we used one of our reading protocols to try to work out what the theme of a text was. Each child was given a word or phrase that was taken from the text and after each interaction with another child, reviewed their prediction of what the text was about. The hands up from the children are part of the protocol process.

Naturally, the kids threw themselves into the task with the usual verve and enthusiasm that we’ve come to expect off of NJS pupils. Ace!

Metres for the whiteboard, centimetres for our books! 📏✏️📘

Perimeter practical!

Year 6 began the week by investigating perimeter and took to measuring the perimeter of rectilinear shapes in the classroom using a variety of equipment. After recapping units of measurement and how some units were best suited for particular contexts (such as km for measuring the distance from school to the local Coop and centimetres for the length of a pencil), the children began to explore perimeter practically. They measured the perimeter of their books whiteboards, boxes, tables, joined tables and much more. Great effort, 6CC!

Year 6 Basketball Tournament

6EG and 6CC took to the courts on Wednesday morning for a basketball tournament to culminate their PE topic. Skills that had been taught through the sequence were on show with children also demonstrating leadership and sportsmanship qualities by motivating and celebrating team members!