Science Week in Year 3!

One of our experiments this week to celebrate Science Week was to make lava lamps! It was so easy and we all loved watching the bubbles fizz. It’s super easy to do at home too, all you need is water, cooking oil, food colouring and an effervescent tablet! The children were fascinated watching the water separate from the oil and the carbonated water move into the oil.

3SG World Book Day

Last week, 3SG celebrated World Book Day in style. Everyone looked AMAZING in their costumes and a HUGE thank you to FONCA for their wonderful Mad Hatter’s tea party. The children loved playing games, eating cake and drinking juice just like Alice and her friends!

3SG face-to-face

We’ve been busy this week learning all about similes and using them to write ‘What am I’ style texts about the different parts of the body. This morning we did a little face-to-face activity, where the children went around reading their sentences out to each other trying to figure out whether the sentence was a simile or not! Big well done to all of 3SG for getting well and truly stuck into this writing cycle.

3SG learn to Salsa

In music this half term we are learning the rhythm of Salsa music! We are practising using dance moves to understand the rhythm and body percussion to get the beat. Well done to 3SG for getting stuck in and working on their moves!!

3SG get hooked into science

We have had a wonderful first day back after the Christmas holidays. Today weā€™ve kicked off our new expedition with some Science and exploring the human body!

3SG’s marvellous maths

Today in 3SG we have been looking at greater than, less than and equals to symbols, putting our hard work into practise all over the tables! When we felt confident we then completed a challenge to finish off our maths lesson. The children are engaging in maths so well and I am so proud of how their collaboration today.

Y3 Unwrap The Bar

Last week Y3 kicked off our summer expedition ā€œWhat is the cost of a bar of chocolate?ā€ with an absolute bang! We started the week blind taste testing a range of different chocolates and discussing our favourites.

Then, we baked some delicious brownies to be sold at a bake sale to help raise funds for our final (top secret!) products!

We finished the week off in style, holding a competition to see who could build the tallest chocolate tower using melted white chocolate. We even built towers that were over 30cm tall!

Y3 Dream of Dancing

Chance to Dance 2024 is well underway with preparations for the final performance in full swing. With weekly visits from Miss Wendy, our chance to dance children have ween working hard to consolidate their ballet knowledge. Focusing on ā€œThe Dreamā€, the children have been thinking about making shapes with their bodies and different ways to move across a space. We canā€™t wait to watch the beautiful dance they produce!