Hello Years 5 & 6,

we hope you have had a brilliant Christmas and we cannot wait to see you. Please follow the link to our expedition site for Sping 2021, Heroes and Villains (https://sites.google.com/njsch.uk/njsheroesandvillains/home-learning/week-1). Also, please check your emails for information regarding home learning from the 6th January 2021.



Photographs that changed the world!

Well done to all the children in years 5 and 6 for their tremendous hard work this term. They have been on a journey, exploring the development of the camera and how the world has changed as a result of iconic events, remarkable people and even several disasters!

Watch the video here to gain insight into their expedition and let them introduce you to the culmination of our journey: their rather impressive final product!

We’ve gone bananas!

Year 5 and 6 have gone bananas this week! We have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians and their beliefs. Whilst investigating mummification, the pupils had a go at mummifying a banana using Ancient Egyptian methods of preserving a body! I think Will’s voice says it all!!


This week, 6CC explored the process of mummification and even got to put to use their own mummy-making instructions on… a banana! The children cleansed, emptied, stuffed, cleansed (again) and wrapped their bananas before decorating them with protective jewels and amulets.

Above: 6CC’s banana mummies!

The class have also begun an scientific investigation into mummy preservation and are now studying the effects of a variety of preserving agents on a mummy (an apple). We will let you know our results next Wednesday!

Overall, another fantastic week in 6CC. Many pupils are now engaging in the homework tasks (posted bi-weekly) on Google Classroom and it is lovely to see writers putting their creative minds to the test using Google Docs and Slides to present their learning.

Week 11’s Superhero: Louis, for his spectacular peer mentorship and excellent attitude to learning, Louis constantly demonstrating a work hard, play hard attitude and continuously strives to get better and better! Well done!


Children in Need Fun!

NJS enjoyed a whole day of Children in Need fun last Friday and held a non-uniform day to raise money for this extremely worthy cause. The pupils in 6SO learnt all about the charity and the people that it supports and were asked to present their learning however they wished. As you can see, some pupils selected to present their learning to the class using Google Slides, others created fantastic posters and we even had some superb poetry!

Photographs That Changed The World!

Years 5 and 6 have been busy creating the artwork for our calendar based on ‘Photographs that changed the world’ which is our current expedition. We are incredibly pleased to announce that £500 has been donated by several generous businesses to help fund our venture! In these difficult times, the staff and pupils are so grateful for the kindness that has been shown and we can’t wait to see the finished calendar including outstanding artwork and wonderful writing from the children. Here’s a sneak peek of some of the tremendous art work that the pupils have produced so far.



6SO have been working hard to produce some beautiful observational sketches of cameras over the past few weeks. Here are just a few of the amazing final sketches and we think you’ll agree, they are outstanding! These beautiful drawings will feature as part of a calendar that Year 5 and 6 are creating based on their current expedition ‘Photographs that changed the world’. The calendar will be professionally printed and available to buy at Christmas time so watch this space!

Forest School Fun!

The Year 6 pupils commenced a 10 week Forest School programme on Tuesday this week and they loved it! The children learnt how to chop wood, they built a swing and climbed trees. They are learning to develop their problem solving skills and confidence in themselves.

A huge thank you to our fabulous TA, Mrs Blunt, for organising this amazing opportunity for our pupils.

Staff Crew – Identifying HOWLs…

If it’s good enough for our children, its good enough for our staff too… Everything that you are doing in class, we are doing too!


We have also be revisiting our Core Values that we set together as a whole community 5 years ago. Here we are unpicking exactly what it looks like to embrace our values and identify our own HOWLs – Habits of Work and Learning. HOWLS help us demonstrate how we are working to be the best version of ourselves or as we like to say, “Being the BEST version of ME!”