Truly Legion!

What a fantastic start to the school year by 4GC! They have settled brilliantly, worked hard and demonstrated our core values in abundance throughout the week. This term’s expedition is entitled ‘Relentless Romans’ and we have been busy this week making Roman shields, traditional mosaics and even and centurion’s battle helmet! In these accompanying pictures, you can marvel at the detail and precision at which these shields have been put together. Perhaps the best way to summarise our efforts this week is through the Roman Latin phrase ‘Carpe Diem‘…Indeed, 4GC have Seized the Day.

‘Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge’

Yesterday saw the third walk in a series of jaunts that our children are doing as part of our summer expedition: Take a Walk on the Wild side. This journey boasted a length of 3.8 miles and took our Crew to the periphery of Walden Stubbs, trekking on bridleways, narrow footpaths, over railway crossings and even across the River Went by virtue of a narrow wooden bridge. Of course, our children coped ‘manfully’ with this and called upon our core values of ‘aspiration’ and ‘resilience’ to get them through. Indeed, the culmination of our Expedition will be a walking guide that will include this and all the other walks that our children embark on. Stay posted for the date of our celebration of learning where these nifty guides will be on sale.


After a hotly anticipated return date, our amazing pupils finally entered the grounds in earnest following an enforced absence from school. Alas, there were elbow bumps and smiles aplenty followed by a day of fun activities to reconnect with each other. It was the first time in a long time that we felt any sort of normality as not having a full compliment of children in the classroom, well, just isn’t the same. Indeed, this might be a timely reminder to say a massive ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’ to all the wonderful families who have worked tirelessly to support your children working from home. Now, we have our collective fingers crossed (and facemasks on) in the hope that the following weeks and months will allow for more freedoms for our staff, children and community. Better days are indeed ahead.

World Book Day

Well, what an amazing day we had putting a rather quirky twist on a traditional World Book Day by doing NJS’s very own version of ‘The Masked Reader’. Here, we had 13 staff members taking part by recording themselves reading their favorite stories. Following this, we shared those stories with our little bookworms and asked them to guess who the staff member was behind the mask. Needless to say, we had an awful lot of fun in doing this. Happy World Book Day Everybody!

New Expedition – A Child Through Time

Well. Happy new year everybody. Of course, it doesn’t quite feel that we have reached ‘100% happiness’ just yet but I am hopeful that the spring of 2021 will be something more like normality for our country and community. Of course, the one constant positive throughout these difficult times are our children who continue to amaze and delight whether they are learning at home on in school. Indeed, the magnificent outcomes during last term’s expedition was a perfect illustration of both their artistic and literary talents and an overview of that exhibition can be found on our phase website:

Our new expedition is entitled ‘A child through time’ and will catalogue children’s experiences in three key periods of British history: the Victorian era, World War 2 and the present. Here, we will aim to capture children’s experiences through the lens of 5 different categories: education, leisure, clothing, diet and home life. Already, coming to the end of our second week, we have had some quite amazing outcomes from our children both in and out of school. This was punctuated this week by a traditional Victorian Drill PE lesson that the children took part in where they engaged in some traditional exercises that were said to help improve children’s coordination, ability to follow instruction, core strength and disciple. I must say, there were one or two acts of insubordination amongst my subjects that were quickly extinguished with the threat of the cane!

Discipline. Discipline. Discipline.

Please see our new expedition website for further information:

As always, I thank you for all your support, particularly at this moment where we found our self in another national lockdown and look forward to welcoming all children back to school soon.

Mr Chadwick

Christmas box design

We have been busy designing our beautiful Christmas boxes for our delicious Christmas treats for key workers!

Trust the process!

We are fast approaching the end of our expedition of ‘The wonderful World of Bugs’! It has been an exciting learning journey where we have acquired a range of skills from learning how to add tone and light to a sketch to hatching techniques. We can’t wait to show you our beautiful final product.                                                                               

Critter Tasting!

This courageous bunch have been tasting an array of critters. There were a real mixture of reactions to the taste of mealworms, crickets, locusts and grasshoppers!

A Meaty Treat!

As part of our Wonderful World of Bugs Expedition, we have been immersing ourselves in every aspect of the topic.  Here, our children have been looking at what some countries are doing with regard to farming insects to replace traditional proteins, providing greater sustainability and having less of a negative environmental impact.  In light of this, we have been sampling a variety of critters including locusts, buffalo worms, crickets and mealworms and of course, critiquing each ‘delicacy’ with the trained eye of an experienced food critic. Delicious!