6CC enjoyed a first session recapping perimeter – a bit of hands on learning to begin the topic area using a variety of measuring equipment. Top effort from all and they were even brave enough to face the cold outside for some measuring and calculations! 👍🏼😁
4GC have been tackling some tricky maths problems this week; thinking deeply about their structure and unlocking the key information within each question. The culmination of this was a series of tasks to grapple with during an online learning session today. What resilience this lot show by the way!
At the end of last year, we asked students in C29 to reflect on the learning that took place outside the classroom and how this has helped them to build Crew.
Beautiful Curation: Carcroft School
Look at this collection of recent work which is now on display in the corridors of Carcroft School. Be sure to stop and admire students beautiful work from across phases and Expeditions!
This week 5HJ have been working hard conquering the world of fractions. Here were are playing dominoes by matching improper fractions with their mixed number partner. What started out as a tricky task soon turned into a competitive game which deepened understanding!
During our expedition ‘The Power of Change’, 6EG studied the work of William Morris, an artist who was a great revolutionary force during the Victorian era. The children learned how he influenced other artists and believed the Industrial Revolution was making people less creative. We looked at many examples of his work and recreated some of his famous tapestries.
Recently, 4TE have discovered that our English writing focus for this half-term is to create a setting description! To get us started and show the importance of being incredibly detailed and specific, the children had a go at describing different settings to their partner (without their partner seeing) with their partner then having to draw the setting being described to them! There were some very creative pieces of work created from some very detailed and specific narrators!
The Staff Day in January saw the launch of our proposed teaching and learning model as part of our Festival of Learning. The event took place at XP Doncaster and was attended by staff from across all schools in the Trust. All staff had the opportunity to explore the model in more depth as well as attending other workshops on different parts of the model.
This is part of the Trust’s commitment to ensure that we expose more students to more impactful teaching more of the time.
Beautiful Curation: A Christmas Carol
There is now an awesome display at XP to celebrate the Christmas Carol Study Guide – the beautiful work of last year’s Year 11s. Be sure to go and admire their hard work on display!
Year 5 have been busy working through their new expedition ‘The Power of Change’. They have started exploring the guiding question ‘How has the 18th Century influenced lives today?’.
We began our expedition with our usual ‘Hook Week’, the above photo shows our learning journey so far. We experienced what a Victorian School and Victorian Workhouse would have been like, built background knowledge about Victorian Schools, visited Danum Museum and the surrounding areas, explored a Victorian artist (William Morris), watched Oliver Twist and began to look at The Industrial Revolution in more detail.
We are already working through our first case study and can’t wait to find out even more!
Last week, 5HJ completed fieldwork in Doncaster City Centre exploring how the Industrial Revolution has influenced Doncaster today. After a tour of the city centre looking at buildings of that time, we visited Danum Museum where we discovered how Doncaster was pivotal in the construction of trains. The children were also immersed in a workhouse experience which involved tedious tasks such as picking up grains of rice. 😫