Sharing our Stories: 07/02/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit

Top of the Blogs

Know Yourself, Grow Yourself @ Norton Infants

Year 3 Singing with Geoff @ Green Top

Yummy Veggie Fajitas @ Plover

Do you want to make a pizza? @ Carcroft School

March against Segregation @ Norton Juniors

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

X31 Skipper – Bringing a ‘Storm in a teashop’ to life! @ XP

E30’s Powerful Work on Macbeth @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Super Swimmers

Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking a team of swimmers to a Legacy Sport competition at Askern Leisure Centre. Our children were amazing, bringing home a range of gold, silver and bronze medals in breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. The team spirt and support for each other was what makes our children so special. A huge well done to all involved!

Salsa dancing!

In music 3EG have been exploring the salsa beat! We have listened to a range of salsa music and learnt some simple steps, which could only mean one thing – dance off!

Sea Shanty Special!

In music this term, Year 5 have been studying sea shanties where they have explored their origin, purpose and how to perform them effectively. After learning about their history, the class analysed recorded performances of well-known shanties and critique the performances. This subsequently allowed them to think how they would perform their own shanty with the class coming together to deliver their own spin of ‘What shall we do with a drunken sailor?


The 4th of February marks Rosa Parks Day and Year 5 and 6 celebrated by learning more about this inspirational woman and holding a march against segregation. We composed and performed protest chants and made posters before holding a march against segregation around school!

Main or subordinate? You decide.

In Friday’s SPAG session, Year 5 learned to identify main clauses and subordinate clauses. After finding and classifying clauses around the room, the class used causes to make sentences before creating their own based on our expedition. With our howls target focusing on resilience and independence, each individual worked exceptionally hard and grasped the learning well. Great work, 5CC!

4TE find the gold!

Today, 4TE were given a very special assignment… Using their recently aquired proficiency of grid method multiplication, the children had to solve a series of questions in order to uncover a codeword which led to a stash of ‘gold’ hidden somewhere in the school! The children showed brilliant resilience and teamwork to perservere with the challenge and as can be seen, to eventually find the gold!

Sharing our Stories: 31/01/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit

Top of the Blogs

Family Learning @ Norton Infants

Class 9 Family Learning @ Green Top

Family Learning @ Plover

Why do we have a skeleton? @ Carcroft School

Digest This! @ Norton Juniors

A Visit from Brenda Dinsdale @ XP Gateshead

Cheerleading Festival @ XP

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!