I think it is fair to say 3LG had quite the adventure on Friday.
We set off from school heading for Bridlington, only to get to Beverly and have to disembark the coach. We owe a massive thank you to Beverly High School for putting us up for an hour on their school field. The children of 3LG and 4GC were a credit to and great representives of NJS, showing beautiful manners and respect. Thankfully, after an hour having a play on Beverly High School field and eating ice creams we were back on the road and heading to the beach.
Once we arrived and lunches had been eaten, it was time for the real fun to begin. 3LG were in their element on the sand, from digging holes and building volcanoes to being buried in the sand everybody was having a fabulous time.
Then came the main reason for our visit, the John Bull factory. Rolling the rock was a highlight (as well as the biscuit and sweet tasting) and every child got their own stick of rock to roll and take home.