On Monday, Year 6 were greeted by a real-life ancient Egyptian! First, they were shown how to mummify the body of an unfortunate enbalmer. Only recently did Year Six study the process of mummification and so this was a revision exercise, albeit with sight of some gruesome (plastic) organs.
The children enjoyed many activities throughout the day, such as city building and selecting different buildings based on their function, cost and points. Different, random world events determined whether a city flourished or deteriorated depending on the buildings they had chosen. Year Six also studied many Egyptian artefacts and learned about their significance to the ancient civilisation, many connecting the mortals to their gods.
After lunch, they played two different ancient Egyptian games: mancala and senet. Mancala, a basic accumulation game whilst senet’s rules were somewhat of a basic snakes and ladders. With Egyptian Arin, they also experienced writing a name in hieroglyphics using a reed ‘pen’ and a piece of papyrus.