Y5/6 Dodgeball Tournament @ Campsmount

On Wednesday 16th March, two teams made the trip up to Campsmount for the upper key stage 2 dodgeball tournament, neither disappointed! Demonstrating sportsmanship, teamwork and excellent communication, both teams reached the latter stages of the tournament with team A being awarded third overall.
Stories of the tournament’s final have been heard in every corner of school since Wednesday afternoon, with hero, Harry from 6CC, clinching victory from the jaws of defeat as we heroically landed a decisive shot during a one on one duel with his opponent from a rival school. We are pleased to say that even in victory, the children celebrated the effort of the opposing teams and thoroughly enjoyed the competition. Well done year 5&6!
Year 6 PE: Football ⚽️
This week in Year 6 PE, 6SO and 6CC enjoyed developing their passing skills in a mixture of skill activities and five-a-side games. Well done to all!