The School will close at 3:15pm on Friday 20th March 2020 until further notice.
Dear All,
We are currently in a period of information overload so I will keep things to a minimum and attempt to present the key facts below. If you wish to read a more detailed account, this is the most current one I can find – click here.
On Friday, for the significant majority of pupils, the School will close. From 23rd March 2020, we will be:
- Keeping our schools open for the children / students whose parents work as ‘key workers’, defined by the government as NHS staff, Police and Delivery Drivers, more details to follow on this.
- Opening the schools for children / students who have a Social Worker and/or Education, Health and Care Plans.
For children / students who have been asked to stay at home by the UK government, we can confirm that:
- Work is available online for all children / students to access at home.
- Details of how to access this work will be clearly available on the school website by the end of the week.
- Through the website and other appropriate communication methods, we will touch base with our children throughout the closure period.
For those parents whose children will continue to come to school on Monday 23rd March, please could you support the schools by ensuring:
- Your children wash their hands before they come to school and when then get home.
- You keep the communication between home and schools open via email and/or phone.
- Follow the government guidance on household self isolation without exception.
Schools will continue to send out updates where the situation changes and for your reassurance and information.
As always the usual lines of communication to schools will be open if you have any specific concerns related to your child or circumstances.
Thank you for your support at this time,
A Hayes