Having Trouble logging in through the School Website to create your G-Suite Account?

Afternoon, on this beautiful sunny day, what could be more relaxing than fighting with google?

First of all, if you have lost the email school sent out, just to remind you, here is a link to the help guide we provided. Its also available on the letters section and also on the home learning site itself:


Don’t fear, if it’s not working, most of your problems will be because you have previously created a google account for something and its trying to re-connect you with another account as I explained in my email. If you are just not sure if you have an old account or if you are properly logged out… or if you just keep having problems, open a new Incognito or Private Browser Window and try repeating all the steps from within there. Make sure all other browser windows are closed and only run from within the Incognito or Private Browser Session so you don’t get confused.

Once you have successfully logged in to Google, you should be able to do it within your normal browser window although you might need to select your school account from a dropdown menu…. You will also be able to sign in from google on any web enabled device.

Good luck and hang on in there.