Social Media

How and why we use Social Media at NJS

Social Media is very much part of our modern world and when used correctly, can be a fantastic tool to spread positive messages and share information to celebrate the successes of our schools and pupils within Norton Junior School and across the XP TRUST.

Please note that Social Media at Norton Junior School will be a one way information stream for parents and interested parties to access.

It is not the schools intention for Social Media to be come a platform for two way communication and school will not be monitoring any questions or concerns raised through these media platforms. Please use the existing methods of communication by contacting the staff, school, or trust via, email, telephone, in writing or in person.

We already use Twitter successfully to celebrate children’s learning and achievements and in time, we will expand this to Facebook and Instagram but as you can imagine, keeping all these platforms updated will be quite a task and in some cases, it will only be to have a presence which will essentially signpost back to the school website. The website will be the main point of contact where the significant body of information will be held.


Mr Wilkinson

Mrs Jenkins

Mr Chadwick

Miss Campion

Mr Hewitt

Miss Smith

Miss Oliver

Mr Cicero

Mrs Timms

Mr Henfield

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